A date is the end result of well-defined conventions in communication.

4 min readJun 11, 2021


Dating is a complex interpersonal task that requires nearly perfect communication. To achieve the desired result, which usually is the escalation of a relationship to something that is different and more optimal than its previous iterations, there are certain prerequisites that must be met. The libertarian nature of dating comes in place when one observes the mediums of reaching completion. The most important one is adequate communication.

People, in ancient Athens, performing a handshake, the first establishment of a communication protocol.

On the importance of communication

To whomever that might be unaware, the internet, that we are so much dependent upon, is fabricated based on clear and definite communication protocols and conventions that allow two or more entities to exchange information in order to achieve some kind of end goal.

Societies are built upon the same principle. Information must flow from and towards the different entities that are present in a certain ecosystem with an end goal of achieving harmony, balance and and eventually societal progression.

Now, human relationships, either romantic in nature or not, are subsets of societal interconnections. Thus, the importance of finding ways and mediums of exchanging information between the involved parties is paramount to a successful outcome. The desired outcome is not standard. It can vary and is usually defined based on the needs and societal stimuli that each individual entity displays.

As you can already understand, communication is the imperatore delle relazioni for living and non living entities.

Communication, as a concept, provides the required framework, that consists of protocols, conventions, expected and accepted or rejected I/O and error handling. Without it, all networks fail.

Dating is micro-networking

Imagine having a network of only two nodes. This network can be a computer network, where parties are exchanging information to achieve some sort of data action. It could very well be a physical postal network where two people attempt the exchange of data using the postal service of their country.

To achieve a successful communication state, the participants of these scenarios need to adhere to specific, well defined and available to all executive parties, protocols of information exchange that are backed by conventions on how to handle those. They need to operate based on a framework.

Dating, as a state, is no different than an attempt of provisioning a two-node network (at least, for conventional dating) that has a sole goal of promoting itself to becoming a high bandwidth and highly compatible data exchange path. This is achieved by an elimination process that in the physical world translates in successful and unsuccessful rendezvous.

A kleroterion, the perfect depiction of modern dating

Applying the same elimination process in a programming concept and you’d probably end up with a slightly optimised liner search. So, dating apparently has an O(n) complexity.

Even with a well defined communication framework the time complexity of dating does not improve. So, while having adequate, usually high bandwidth, data exchange paths is critical for a successful dating outcome, this is not, by any means, the sole requirement. Because people, have a very limited attention span, and O(n) complexities are counterproductive on the limitations that the average person attention span imposes.

Making dating an O(|E|) problem

It is so sad that, in the era of high bandwidth communications and instant data processing results, the dating process has not been helped by the advancements that have been made in engineering.

The technology goal of Tynr.io is reducing the time complexity that is required for an entity to achieve a successful date.

We have at our disposal so many promising technological and software engineering advancements that we can utilise so that we can achieve the first goal towards solving dating in the 21st century. Reaching a time complexity of O(|E|) where E is the number of connections that are created while the dating process unfolds.

The goal is vague and required a lot of communication infrastructure that takes a painstakingly long time to build, especially with limited time and financial budgets. Although, we are here to ship.

We are bound to our ethos of delivering fun and useful intermediaries that work towards the solution of dating in the era of artificial intelligence and machine learning.

We are here to make break-ups chill.




Written by tynr.io


we are here to make break-ups chill

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